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How to disable SparkUI programmatically?



I noticed that this bug has been fixed:

Allow users to disable Jetty Spark UI in local mode


but how to disable it programmatically?

is it by

sparkContext.setLocalProperty(?, ?)

I checked the documentation, but couldn't figure out which property to set


like image 482
Alex Luya Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 07:11

Alex Luya

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1 Answers

Set spark.ui.enabled to false. This configuration isn't documented on Spark's configuration page because it was added as an internal configuration for debugging and unit tests [1].

With spark-submit, you could simply --conf spark.ui.enabled=false.

[1] https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/2363/files#r17436782

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Josh Rosen Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Josh Rosen