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How to disable render view in zend framework 2?

I want to use some ajax, but I don't know how to use function as the same as setNoRender() in zend framework 2 to disable for render view.

How to disable rendering view in zend framework 2?

like image 741
Tai T Avatar asked Sep 08 '12 17:09

Tai T

1 Answers

  • To disable your view :

    public function myactionAction()
        // your code here ...
        return false;

"return false" disables the view and not the layout! why? because the accepted types are:

  • ViewModel
  • array
  • null

so "false" disable the view.

  • To disable layout and view, return a response object:

    public function myactionAction()
        // your code here ...
        return $this->response;
  • To disable layout:

    public function myactionAction()
        // your code here ...
        $view = new ViewModel();
        return $view;
like image 99
Blanchon Vincent Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Blanchon Vincent