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How to disable navigation buttons that appear when tapped a marker in Google maps with Flutter 1.0?

Directions Buttons

I want to remove those buttons because I want to put the route implementation when I tap a button inside a Bottom sheet widget. My other question is, how Can I use the routes in Google maps inside my App and not redirected to Google maps? Do I need to enable the Routes API?

This is the same question in Android. Android google maps marker disable navigation option

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Mavro Avatar asked Feb 24 '19 19:02


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You need to find that specific marker in your _markers list (e.g. by firstWhere()) and then remove it from the list of markers. Edit: Marker marker = _markers.

How do I hide a marker on Google Maps?

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map and Scroll down to the 'Infowindow Settings' section. Step 2 Enable the box of 'Hide Markers on Page Load' option. Step 3 Click on Save Map and open it in browser.

2 Answers

[google_maps_flutter] Support enable/disable MapToolbar.

Add this line inside your GoogleMap widget to enable or disable MapToolbar.


mapToolbarEnabled: false,


PS : consumeTapEvents: true, stops recentering the map and marker's InfoWindow.

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Samir Dangal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Samir Dangal

When Creating a Marker set consumeTapEvents to true.

    markerId: MarkerId('0'),
    icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker,
    position: LatLng(51.522522, -0.141198),
    consumeTapEvents: true

Tested on google_maps_flutter: 0.5.16 with Flutter v1.7.3

From consumeTapEvents docs

True if the marker icon consumes tap events. If not, the map will perform default tap handling by centering the map on the marker and displaying its info window.

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vovahost Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
