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How to disable mongoDB java driver logging?

I am trying to disable log outputs of mongo-java-driver-3.0.0.

I have tried to set those in the beginning of my application, before loading the mongo drivers, but it didn't help.

    // Enable MongoDB logging in general     System.setProperty("DEBUG.MONGO", "false");      // Enable DB operation tracing     System.setProperty("DB.TRACE", "false");   

I am getting this kind of logs:

11:01:15.406 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG org.mongodb.driver.protocol.query - Sending query of namespace susudev.Players on connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:28}] to server localhost:27017 11:01:15.406 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG org.mongodb.driver.protocol.query - Query completed  11:01:25.174 [cluster-ClusterId{value='554dbecb1b554f11e86c3a69', description='null'}-localhost:27017] DEBUG org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Checking status of localhost:27017 11:01:25.177 [cluster-ClusterId{value='554dbecb1b554f11e86c3a69', description='null'}-localhost:27017] DEBUG org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Updating cluster description to  {type=STANDALONE, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, roundTripTime=0.6 ms, state=CONNECTED}] 

So my console is completely packed with mongo logs and I cant read anything.

like image 567
itaied Avatar asked May 09 '15 08:05


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There are no versions of the MongoDB Java driver using log4j by default.

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Overview. In this article, we'll have a look at integrating MongoDB, a very popular NoSQL open source database with a standalone Java client. MongoDB is written in C++ and has quite a number of solid features such as map-reduce, auto-sharding, replication, high availability etc.

How does MongoDB connect to MongoClient in Java?

To connect: MongoClient client = MongoClients. create("<<MongoDB URI>>"); To connect to MongoDB on your local instance and default port, you can just omit the URI part of the above, or use a URI like 'mongodb://localhost:27017'.

1 Answers

To make this portion of code working you need to have Logback. (If maven project)

<dependency>     <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId>     <artifactId>log4j-api</artifactId>     <version>2.9.0</version> </dependency> <dependency>     <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId>     <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId>     <version>1.2.3</version> </dependency> 

Then if you only want to disable Mongo driver logging, you should do something like this:

LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); Logger rootLogger = loggerContext.getLogger("org.mongodb.driver"); rootLogger.setLevel(Level.OFF); 

Again to be clear, here is the list of import for this code to work:

import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 

This solution is for mongo java driver 3.0.0 and ^.

Edit: Here is a one liner with level set to ERROR.

((LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory()).getLogger("org.mongodb.driver").setLevel(Level.ERROR); 
like image 114
chneau Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
