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How to disable Laravel eloquent Auto Increment?

I need an effective way to disable Laravel from auto incriminating the primary key of the table which I am going to insert data in.

Why? I don't check if there is any duplication between the DB and the inserted data so if there was any duplication I just handles it in a try-catch block.

The problem is if there was any failure Laravel counts it like I have inserted a row. So IDs column is not going to be in this order [1, 2, 3, etc], but in this [1, 4, 8, 20, etc].

I searched a lot about this issue and I have tried to use this line after the declaration of the class:

public $autoincrement = false;


public $incrementing = false;

But they are not working.

I just want to use the AI of my DB. Not Laravel's one.

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Mohammed F. Ouda Avatar asked Jul 27 '17 12:07

Mohammed F. Ouda

4 Answers

if you wish to use a non-incrementing or a non-numeric primary key you must set the public $incrementing property on your model to false.

eg :

class UserVerification extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = 'your_key_name'; // or null

    public $incrementing = false;

in case of migration :

$table->integer('id')->unsigned(); // to remove primary key 
$table->primary('id'); //to add primary key

refer : https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/eloquent#eloquent-model-conventions

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Arun pandian M Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Arun pandian M

Try public $incrementing = false;

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MartinTawse Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11


In your model:

public $incrementing = false;

In your migration:

//Remove the default $table->id();

//second param is what auto-increments, default is false so can be skipped
$table->unsignedBigInteger('id', false)->primary(); 

A quick comment on all the other outdated or wrong solutions you see here:

  • $primaryKey does not need to be overridden unless the primary column is different than 'id'
  • You do not need to use the ugly DB transaction just to remove auto-incrementing! Keep using the lovely eloquent models and just use this answer.
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usernotnull Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11


There are 2 solutions to your problem. First one is, as you said, disable the increment column. To do that, just go to your migrations, and change




It will remove the primary key, to set the primary key, just go to your Model file and add this:

protected $primaryKey = 'column_name';

Second solution is what I prefer. Whenever inserting, updating or removing a record and even sometimes reading a record, use laravel's DB transaction. Here is an example:

try {
    $model = new Model;
    $model->column_name = $value;
catch(exception $e) {

This approach is better than remove the auto increment. But now it's upto you to choose.

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d3corator Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11
