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how to disable kite hint snippet setting in VSCode?

The most recent update of Kite added a hint feature on the right of every line my cursor is on. image1, image2, which gets super annoying. I want to continue using Kite but I don't want this "Find related code in " to follow the cursor around.

like image 526
Aidenhsy Avatar asked Feb 17 '21 01:02


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2 Answers

For VSCode: "Search in the settings for "Kite > Codefinder > Enable Line Decoration" and disable it. That helped me." (found on github)

For Atom: "Settings > Packages > Kite > Enable codefinder decoration", disable this.

like image 180
Cidgi359 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10


For VSCode: go to settings.json and paste this line to your settings "kite.codefinder.enableLineDecoration": false

it worked for me and that annoying pop-up is gone.

like image 26
Fays Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10
