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How to disable development stage messages?

I like to know if it is posible disable the error messages that appear at the bottom of the page when I have some JSF syntax error:

<ul title="Project Stage[Development]: Unhandled Messages" 
  <li style="Color: orange">    
    The button/link/text component needs to have a Form in its ancestry. Please 
    add <h:form>.

And you can't say "add the form tag".

like image 422
Diego Maye Avatar asked Dec 19 '11 03:12

Diego Maye

1 Answers

Remove the <context-param> with name of javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE from your web.xml, or set its value to Production instead of Development.

See also:

  • The form component needs to have a UIForm in its ancestry. Suggestion: enclose the necessary components within <h:form>
like image 188
BalusC Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10
