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How to disable Cloud Firestore?

I'm using Realtime Database in Firebase and by accident I clicked on Cloud Firestore. Since then whenever I want to access Realtime Database it defaults to Cloud Firestore and I have to click and choose the database I'm using, super annoying. Is there a way to disable or delete it?

defaults to firestore on database click

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Babadzhanov Avatar asked Jun 20 '19 12:06


1 Answers

Is there a way to disable or delete it?

There is no way you can disable either Cloud Firestore or Firebase realtime database from your Firebase console. The simplest solution I can think of, is to save a bookmark in your browser pointing to:


You can also copy and paste the url that you need and it will point directly to your Firebase realtime database project. In this way you'll skip the initial steps.

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Alex Mamo Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 07:10

Alex Mamo