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how to disable a DataTables/TableTools button

I'm using DataTable 1.10 and TableTools 2.2.1.

Given the following snipped I would like to disable/enable the edit-button.

var myTable = $("#myTable ").DataTable({
tableTools : {
    "aButtons" : [ {
        "sExtends" : "text",
        "sButtonText" : "Edit",
        "fnClick" : function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash) {
            /* some stuff */    

Is there a possibility to do this at runtime?

Thanks a lot

like image 966
thowa Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 08:10


1 Answers

This was a good question! Seems that the fnClick in


only is a reference to the event stored elsewhere, not accessible (changing fnClick on the API has no effect). However, you can use the predefined class DTTT_disabled and check for that in your fnClick-handler :

var dataTable = $("#example").DataTable({
   sDom: 'TC',
   oTableTools : {
       aButtons : [{
            sExtends : "text",
            sButtonText : "Edit",
            fnClick :  function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash) {
                 if ($(nButton).hasClass('DTTT_disabled')) return;
                 alert('edit button clicked');

example with a checkbox enabling or disabling the button :

$("#enable").click(function() {
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    } else {

see demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/ev2N2/

like image 59
davidkonrad Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 22:12
