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How to differentiate single click event and double click event?

People also ask

How can you tell the difference between single click and double-click?

Typically, a single click initiates a user interface action and a double-click extends the action. For example, one click usually selects an item, and a double-click edits the selected item.

How do you stop a single click event when double-clicking?

on('click',function(e){ if(e. originalEvent. detail > 1){ return; /* if you are returning a value from this function then return false or cancel the event some other way */ } }); Done.

How do you know if an event is a click event?

An element receives a click event when a pointing device button (such as a mouse's primary mouse button) is both pressed and released while the pointer is located inside the element.

What is a double-click event?

The dblclick event fires when a pointing device button (such as a mouse's primary button) is double-clicked; that is, when it's rapidly clicked twice on a single element within a very short span of time. dblclick fires after two click events (and by extension, after two pairs of mousedown and mouseup events).

The behavior of the dblclick event is explained at Quirksmode.

The order of events for a dblclick is:

  1. mousedown
  2. mouseup
  3. click
  4. mousedown
  5. mouseup
  6. click
  7. dblclick

The one exception to this rule is (of course) Internet Explorer with their custom order of:

  1. mousedown
  2. mouseup
  3. click
  4. mouseup
  5. dblclick

As you can see, listening to both events together on the same element will result in extra calls to your click handler.

You need to use a timeout to check if there is an another click after the first click.

Here is the trick:

// Author:  Jacek Becela
// Source:  http://gist.github.com/399624
// License: MIT

jQuery.fn.single_double_click = function(single_click_callback, double_click_callback, timeout) {
  return this.each(function(){
    var clicks = 0, self = this;
      if (clicks == 1) {
          if(clicks == 1) {
            single_click_callback.call(self, event);
          } else {
            double_click_callback.call(self, event);
          clicks = 0;
        }, timeout || 300);


$("button").single_double_click(function () {
  alert("Try double-clicking me!")
}, function () {
  alert("Double click detected, I'm hiding")
<button>Click Me!</button>


As stated below, prefer using the native dblclick event: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/click.html

Or the one provided by jQuery: http://api.jquery.com/dblclick/

Instead of utilizing more ad-hoc states and setTimeout, turns out there is a native property called detail that you can access from the event object!

element.onclick = event => {
   if (event.detail === 1) {
     // it was a single click
   } else if (event.detail === 2) {
     // it was a double click

Modern browsers and even IE-9 supports it :)

Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/UIEvent/detail

A simple function. No jquery or other framework is required. Pass your functions as parameters

<div onclick="doubleclick(this, function(){alert('single')}, function(){alert('double')})">click me</div>
        function doubleclick(el, onsingle, ondouble) {
            if (el.getAttribute("data-dblclick") == null) {
                el.setAttribute("data-dblclick", 1);
                setTimeout(function () {
                    if (el.getAttribute("data-dblclick") == 1) {
                }, 300);
            } else {