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How to develop algorithm for this case (other than brute force)?

Suppose I have K arrays of different sizes:

A1 = [X1, X2, X3 .... Xn]

A2 = [Y1, Y2, Y3 .... Ym] .. and K-2 more such arrays.

All arrays contain elements of same data type.

And then I have a function, F = f(Xn, Ym,...K-2 more such elements). The function basically requires exactly one element from each array, and my objective is to find a maximum value for this function. And also, which all elements make it maximum.

Important Info

Nature of function: All arrays are sorted (descending order). And first element in each array provides the best solution to the function (maximizes the function within its peer set). So, the ideal case would be picking up the first element from each array. But there is a constraint, which I can best describe as:

Suppose these elements are numbers, then I have to keep their total sum less than some constant value. So the constraint is:

Xn + Ym + ... and others <= Constant

EDIT: As @Spektre asked, the function is exponential in nature.

How can I solve this without brute force? Any pointers on solutions to similar existing problems would also help!

I understand divide & conquer, dynamic programming and linear programming upto the extent taught in Introduction to Algorithms-CLRS. So, if I can apply any of those, I am not able to figure that out with respect to this problem.

EDIT: An example function and dataset for the above problem:

Maximize: F = ax + by + cz

The above function was not very accurate representation of original problem.

UPDATE: Example function updated

F = xh(x)g(x) + yh(y)g(y) + zh(z)g(z)

h and g are non decreasing linear function of x/y/z. Range of h varies from 1 to 2. Range of g varies from 1 to 50. Domain of x,y,z is positive real numbers with average value in millions (consider 10 million as maximum for the example case ahead).

Example dataset (x,y,z are in millions):

x is in [20,18,17,15,12,9,8,5]

y is in [26,21,16,13,6,3,2,1]

z is in [45,42,41,40,12,3,2,1,0]

So the arrays contain random but sorted values.

And a,b,c > 1 So take a = 2, b=3 and c=4 for instance making the function as:

F = 2x + 3y + 4z

The constraint: x + y + z <= 50

I've updated the example function after Spektre's solution, but that algorithm should still be valid as function is still an increasing function of x,y,z.

Example code of h(), g() and arrays (in JavaScript)

function h(a) {
    var h = 1 + 0.0000001 * a;
    return h;

function g(a) {
    var g = (50 / 10000000) * a;
    return g;

function f(x, y, z) {
    var f = x * Math.pow(h(x), g(x)) + y * Math.pow(h(y), g(y)) + z * Math.pow(h(z), g(z));
    return f;

var maxSum = 5000000;

function isSumLessThanMax(x, y, z) {

    if (x + y + z <= maxSum) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

var x = [2000000, 1800000, 1700000, 1500000, 1200000, 900000, 800000, 500000];

var y = [2600000, 2100000, 1600000, 1300000, 600000, 300000, 200000, 100000];

var z = [4500000, 4200000, 4100000, 4000000, 1200000, 300000, 200000, 100000, 0];
like image 574
Anmol Gupta Avatar asked Apr 11 '16 09:04

Anmol Gupta

People also ask

How do you write a brute force algorithm?

Brute-Force: Try all possible combinations of the state, to get to the solution, through combination enumeration. Divide & Conquer: when a problem state is difficult at some point, you divide it into 2 or more identical parts that are solved separately, then the partial-solutions is then merged.

What type of algorithm is brute force?

A Brute Force Algorithm is the straightforward approach to a problem i.e., the first approach that comes to our mind on seeing the problem. More technically it is just like iterating every possibility available to solve that problem. Example: If there is a lock of 4-digit PIN.

How could a brute force algorithm be made more efficient?

One way to speed up a brute-force algorithm is to reduce the search space, that is, the set of candidate solutions, by using heuristics specific to the problem class. For example, in the eight queens problem the challenge is to place eight queens on a standard chessboard so that no queen attacks any other.

Is a type of algorithm that is an improvement to the brute force approach?

Backtracking Algorithm It is an improvement to the brute force approach.

2 Answers

The example data you provided so far offers some opportunities for optimization:

First of all, rather than comparing x's, y's, and z's, use the intermediate calculation, x*h(x)^g(x), or a pre-calculated table-lookup of those values. Looking at rounded and proportionally reduced output for an easier visual, x / 100000 and Math.round(x * Math.pow(h(x), g(x)) / 100000), we see that some values are more than an order of magnitude greater than others.

xs = { 20, 18, 17, 15, 12,  9,  8, 5}
     {124, 80, 65, 43, 24, 13, 11, 6}

ys = { 26,  21, 16, 13, 6, 3, 2, 1}
     {525, 155, 52, 29, 7, 3, 2, 1}

zs = {    45,    42,    41,    40, 12, 3, 2, 1}
     {192306, 66268, 46965, 33467, 24, 3, 2, 1}

Group variables and their intermediate functional results as tuples according to a calibrated choice of ranges of magnitude k. For example, using our reduced overview, let's say k = 500:

[385 * k]    [133 * k]   ...  [2 * k]
(45,192306)  (42,66268)  ...  any x or y

It makes no sense to try different possibilities for zs when we have one value that's more than 150 times greater than any x or y. Once we've removed the larger variable, our search is now: maximize f'(x,y), where x + y <= 50 - 45).

If you foresee data results with extreme differences in magnitude, because f is actually linear in the intermediate calculation, call it i(x), you could implement a calibration at each round of elimination, until faced with choices within the same order of magnitude, where you would use brute-force with a greedy early exit.

like image 71
גלעד ברקן Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

גלעד ברקן

Well now it is much more clearer. As the max sum is applied to input variables not the output values of f then it is much more simple. So here first simple approach in C++:

double MaxSum = 50.0;
double X[] = { 20.0,18.0,17.0,15.0,12.0,9.0,8.0,5.0 };     int Nx=sizeof(X)/sizeof(double);
double Y[] = { 26.0,21.0,16.0,13.0, 6.0,3.0,2.0,1.0 };     int Ny=sizeof(Y)/sizeof(double);
double Z[] = { 45.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,12.0,3.0,2.0,1.0,0.0 }; int Nz=sizeof(Z)/sizeof(double);
double f(double x,double y,double z)
    return pow(2.0,x)+pow(3.0,y)+pow(4.0,z);
void solve()
    int cnt;    // just tested solutions counter
    int x,y,z;
    bool init;
    double sum,a,aa,xx,yy,zz,x1,y1,z1;
    // near max sum only
    init=true; sum=0.0;
    for (x=0;x<Nx;x++) { x1=X[x]; sum+=x1; if (sum<=MaxSum)
    for (y=0;y<Ny;y++) { y1=Y[y]; sum+=y1; if (sum<=MaxSum)
    for (z=0;z<Nz;z++) { z1=Z[z]; sum+=z1; if (sum<=MaxSum)
        cnt++;                                          // update counter for debug purposes
        a=f(X[x],Y[y],Z[z]);                            // compute actual solution
        if ((init)||(aa<a)) { init=false; aa=a; xx=x1; yy=y1; zz=z1; }  // remeber the best one
    if (sum          <=MaxSum) z=Nz; sum-=z1; }
    if (sum+Z[0]     <=MaxSum) y=Ny; sum-=y1; }
    if (sum+Z[0]+Y[0]<=MaxSum) x=Nx; sum-=x1; }
    // here:
    // cnt is number of tested solutions
    // Nx*Ny*Nz is number of all possibilities
    // found solution aa=f(xx,yy,zz)


[   0.027 ms]Solution 19342813113834066800000000=f(5,3,42) tested 64 of 576 combinations

The idea is test only those combinations which sum is near MaxSum constraint. As you can see the loops are almost identical so you can nest as many of them as you want. If you got variable count of the input arrays then you can use

  • runtime variable depth nested for loops


  1. The program basically loops through "all possiblities" from the biggest one to lowest.

  2. Then test only if the target sum is smaller or equal to MaxSum.

  3. after that if partial sum is small enough that even if used the biggest values from unused arrays still fits into the MaxSum stop that loop to avoid un-necessary iterations. This effectively cut down the complexity from brute-force O(n^k) to O(g(n)^k) where n is average array size, k is the number of arrays and g(n) is average number of tested values per array (depends on the MaxSum,n,k and array values. In your test case g(n)=2)


Now if you got background information about the function f and know that some variables are more significant then others (in your test case the Z array) Then you can limit that variable on first few biggest values that still fits into that limit ignoring the small values of that array. This can be done recursively on other arrays too but VERY CAREFULLY so you do not miss the actual solution.

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Spektre Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
