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How to determine which compiler was requested





My project uses SCons to manage the build process. I want to support multiple compilers, so I decided to use AddOption so the user can specify which compiler to use on the command line (with the default being whatever their current compiler is).

AddOption('--compiler', dest = 'compiler', type = 'string', action = 'store', default = DefaultEnvironment()['CXX'], help = 'Name of the compiler to use.')

I want to be able to have built-in compiler settings for various compilers (including things such as maximum warning levels for that particular compiler). This is what my first attempt at a solution currently looks like:

if is_compiler('g++'):
    from build_scripts.gcc.std import cxx_std
    from build_scripts.gcc.warnings import warnings, warnings_debug, warnings_optimized
    from build_scripts.gcc.optimizations import optimizations, preprocessor_optimizations, linker_optimizations
elif is_compiler('clang++'):
    from build_scripts.clang.std import cxx_std
    from build_scripts.clang.warnings import warnings, warnings_debug, warnings_optimized
    from build_scripts.clang.optimizations import optimizations, preprocessor_optimizations, linker_optimizations

However, I'm not sure what to make the is_compiler() function look like. My first thought was to directly compare the compiler name (such as 'clang++') against what the user passes in. However, this immediately failed when I tried to use scons --compiler=~/data/llvm-3.1-obj/Release+Asserts/bin/clang++.

So I thought I'd get a little smarter and use this function

cxx = GetOption('compiler')
def is_compiler (compiler):
    return cxx[-len(compiler):] == compiler

This only looks at the end of the compiler string, so that it ignores directories. Unfortunately, 'clang++' ends in 'g++', so my compiler was seen to be g++ instead of clang++.

My next thought was to do a backward search and look for the first occurrence of a path separator ('\' or '/'), but then I realized that this won't work for people who have multiple compiler versions. Someone compiling with 'g++-4.7' will not register as being g++.

So, is there some simple way to determine which compiler was requested?

Currently, only g++ and clang++ are supported (and only their most recently released versions) due to their c++11 support, so a solution that only works for those two would be good enough for now. However, my ultimate goal is to support at least g++, clang++, icc, and msvc++ (once they support the required c++11 features), so more general solutions are preferred.

like image 825
David Stone Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 07:10

David Stone

2 Answers

Compiler just are part of build process. Also you need linker tool and may be other additional programs. In Scons it's named - Tool. List of tools supported from box you can see in man page, search by statement: SCons supports the following tool specifications out of the box: ... Tool set necessary scons environment variables, it's documented here.

Scons automatically detects compiler in OS and have some priority to choose one of them, of course autodetect will work properly if PATH variable set to necessary dirs. For example of you have msvc and mingw on windows, scons choose msvc tool. For force using tool use Tool('name')(env). For example:

env = Environment()

Now env force using mingw.

So, clang is one of tool which currently not supported from box by scons. You need to implement it, or set env vars such CC, CXX which using scons for generate build commands.

like image 74
Torsten Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


You could just simply use the Python os.path.basename() or os.path.split() functions, as specified here.

You could do what people suggested in the comments by splitting this question into 2 different issues, but I think it could be a good idea to be able to specify the path with the compiler, since you could have 2 versions of g++ installed, and if the user only specifies g++, they may not get the expected version.

like image 29
Brady Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10
