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How to determine whether my internet IP belongs to a given IP list using Qt






I have following IP list (in CIDR format) stored in a TXT file:<

But I don't know how can I determine whether my IP belongs to this list. I use the Qt C++ framework on Windows platform.

like image 409
Richard Avatar asked Sep 11 '12 06:09


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2 Answers

First you need to break up each CIDR notation range into a network (the dotted IP address) part, and a number of bits. Use this number of bits to generate the mask. Then, you only need to test if (range & mask) == (your_ip & mask), just as your operating system does:

Some psuedo-C code:

my_ip = inet_addr( my_ip_str )            // Convert your IP string to uint32
range = inet_addr( CIDR.split('/')[0] )   // Convert IP part of CIDR to uint32

num_bits = atoi( CIDR.split('/')[1] )     // Convert bits part of CIDR to int
mask = (1 << num_bits) - 1                // Calc mask

if (my_ip & mask) == (range & mask)
    // in range.

You can probably find a library to help you with this. Boost appears to have an IP4 class which has < and > operators. But you'll still need to do work with the CIDR notation.


  • IP falls in CIDR range
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Jonathon Reinhart Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Jonathon Reinhart

Walking through the Qt Documentation, I came across QHostAddress::parseSubnet(const QString & subnet), which can take a CIDR-style IP range and is new in Qt 4.5. Thus I could write the following code to solve it: (assume myIP is of type QHostAddress)

if(myIP.isInSubnet(QHostAddress::parseSubnet("")) {
    //then the IP belongs to the CIDR IP range

As for better understanding and insights into the problem, @Jonathon Reinhart 's answer is really helpful.

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Richard Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
