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How to determine the value of a controller variable during execution in Ruby on Rails?

What is the best way for me to determine a controller variable's value during execution?

For example, is there a way I can insert a break in the code, and cause the value of the variable to be output to the screen (or the log)?

like image 877
Brent Avatar asked Sep 13 '08 17:09


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2 Answers

Yes. The easiest way is to raise the value as a string. Like so: raise @foo.to_s

Or, you can install the debugger (gem install ruby-debug), and then start the development server with the --debugger flag. Then, in your code, call the debugger instruction.

Inside the debugger prompt, you have many commands, including p to print the value of a variable.

Update: here's a bit more about ruby-debug.

like image 181
Jordi Bunster Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Jordi Bunster

If you have a controller instance variable named @foo, then in your controller you can simply do something like:

logger.debug "@foo is: #{@foo}"

Additionally, you can output the value in your view template using:

<%= debug @foo %>
like image 36
John Topley Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

John Topley