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How to determine if data is valid tar file without a file?

My upload form expects a tar file and I want to check whether the uploaded data is valid. The tarfile module supports is_tarfile(), but expects a filename - I don't want to waste resources writing the file to disk just to check if it is valid.

Is there a way to check the data is a valid tar file without writing to disk, using standard Python libraries?

like image 393
hoju Avatar asked Nov 24 '09 06:11


People also ask

How can I view tar files without extracting them?

With the tar command, you can use -t to view the contents of tar. gz files with the list of details. The -t switch is used to list the contents of the tar. gz file without actually extracting it.

Does tar have checksum?

GNU tar computes checksums both ways, and accepts either of them on read, so GNU tar can read Sun tapes even with their wrong checksums.

2 Answers

The tar file format is here on Wikipedia.

I suspect your best bet would be to check that the header checksum for the first file is valid. You may also want to check the file name for sanity but that may not be reliable, depending on the file names that have been stored in there.

Duplicating the relevant information here:

Offset  Size  Description
     0   100  File name
   100     8  File mode
   108     8  Owner's numeric user ID
   116     8  Group's numeric user ID
   124    12  File size in bytes
   136    12  Last modification time in numeric Unix time format
   148     8  Checksum for header block
   156     1  Link indicator (file type)
   157   100  Name of linked file

The checksum is calculated by taking the sum of the unsigned byte values of the header block with the eight checksum bytes taken to be ASCII spaces (decimal value 32).

It is stored as a six digit octal number with leading zeroes followed by a null and then a space.

Various implementations do not adhere to this, so relying on the first white space trimmed six digits for checksum yields better compatibility. In addition, some historic tar implementations treated bytes as signed.

Readers must calculate the checksum both ways, and treat it as good if either the signed or unsigned sum matches the included checksum.

There is also the UStar format (also detailed in that link) but, since it's an extension to the old tar format, the method detailed above should still work. UStar is generally for just storing extra information about each file.

Alternatively, since Python is open source, you could see how is_tarfile works and adapt it to check your stream rather than a file. The source code is available here under Python-3.1.1/Lib/tarfile.py but it's not for the faint of heart :-)

like image 184
paxdiablo Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09


Say your uploaded data is contained in string data.

from tarfile import TarFile, TarError
from StringIO import StringIO

sio = StringIO(data)
    tf = TarFile(fileobj=sio)
    # process the file....
except TarError:
    print "Not a tar file"

There are additional complexities such as handling different tar file formats and compression. More info is available in the tarfile documentation.

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mhawke Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
