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How to determine if a generic number parameter is unsigned?

I have a generic method to generate random numbers within a minimum and a maximum. I also have a similar function for generating out-of-bounds values with the same limits.

But the thing is, I have different types of variables that I need to fill out. Some variables are unsigned and the minimum-maximum range is the same as the unsigned type that they are.

When I try to create out-of-bounds value for these variables, I exceed the limit of the variable (ushort to be exact).

This is my generic method:

    private static U GenerateOutOfBounds<U>(U minimum, U maximum) where U : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
        bool b       = g.NextBoolean();
        long signCheckForMinimum = Convert.ToInt64(minimum);
        double maxpp = g.NextDouble(Convert.ToDouble(maximum), Convert.ToDouble(maximum) + g.Next());
        double minpp = g.NextDouble(Convert.ToDouble(maximum), Convert.ToDouble(maximum) + g.Next());
        if (signCheckForMinimum >= 0)
            b = true;

        if (b)
            return (U)Convert.ChangeType(maxpp, Type.GetTypeCode(typeof(U)));
            return (U)Convert.ChangeType(minpp, Type.GetTypeCode(typeof(U)));

I tried to determine if the number is unsigned with casting it to long but I can now see that approach is very false.

So how can I determine if the variable I got is unsigned or is there any way to check if the type is unsigned without comparing with all unsigned types?

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theaob Avatar asked Nov 28 '12 14:11


1 Answers

bool signed = Convert.ToBoolean(typeof(U).GetField("MinValue").GetValue(null));

Signed types have nonzero MinValue constant, which will convert into true during boolean cast.

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lokson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
