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How to determine encoding table of a text file

I have .txt and .java files and I don't know how to determine the encoding table of the files (Unicode, UTF-8, ISO-8525, …). Does there exist any program to determine the file encoding or to see the encoding?

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Ballon Avatar asked Nov 23 '10 10:11


People also ask

How do I know if my file is UTF 16 or UTF-8?

There are a few options you can use: check the content-type to see if it includes a charset parameter which would indicate the encoding (e.g. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-16 ); check if the uploaded data has a BOM (the first few bytes in the file, which would map to the unicode character U+FEFF - 2 bytes for ...

How do I know if a file is UTF-8?

Open the file in Notepad. Click 'Save As...'. In the 'Encoding:' combo box you will see the current file format. Yes, I opened the file in notepad and selected the UTF-8 format and saved it.

What is the encoding of a text file?

An encoding standard is a numbering scheme that assigns each text character in a character set to a numeric value. A character set can include alphabetical characters, numbers, and other symbols.

2 Answers

If you're on Linux, try file -i filename.txt.

$ file -i vol34.tex  vol34.tex: text/x-tex; charset=us-ascii 

For reference, here is my environment:

$ which file /usr/bin/file $ file --version file-5.09 magic file from /etc/magic:/usr/share/misc/magic 

Some file versions (e.g. file-5.04 on OS X/macOS) have slightly different command-line switches:

$ file -I vol34.tex  vol34.tex: text/x-tex; charset=us-ascii $ file --mime vol34.tex vol34.tex: text/x-tex; charset=us-ascii 

Also, have a look here.

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mpenkov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


Open the file with Notepad++ and will see on the right down corner the encoding table name. And in the menu encoding you can change the encoding table and save the file.

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Ballon Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10
