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How to detect that grid rows have been created in a Kendo UI Grid?

I'm working with a Kendo UI Grid object (Javascript version) that gets loaded from an async call. Rows are created from row templates which define a number of buttons for each row - these are pure HTML INPUT elements - all code handling them is in separate Javascript files.

When the grid is created (that is all TR elements have been created in the DOM by the Grid control) I need to run through all the rows and attach event handlers to the various buttons and update a number of their properties. My problem is that I can't figure out when the DOM elements (the TR-s) are created by the grid. I tried using the dataBound event which is fired but the grid DOM isn't created yet - only the response data can be manipulated. I also tried the detailInit event but that's not fired (I'm not much surprised - the grid has no detail items).

I found this Telerik forum where a Telerik rep suggests using setTimeout() to poll if the elements exist in the DOM. I find it hard to believe that this questionable solution is the only approach to something that should be build into the grid as a callback.

So my question is, is there a reliable way to detect when the grid DOM is ready after a refresh? Or, alternatively, is there a way to detect as each TR element is created (one by one)?


Added code:

var oDataSource =
    type : "odata",
    error : function ( oEvent )
        // show error
    transport :
        read :
            url : "http://url.com/...",
            dataType : "json"
    schema :
        data : function ( oData )
            return ( oData["value"] );
        total : function ( oData )
            return ( oData["odata.count"] );
        model :
            fields :
                /* Model definition */
        pageSize : 15,
        serverPaging : true,
        serverFiltering : true,
        serverSorting : true

var oGridSettings =
    dataSource : oDataSource,
    rowTemplate : kendo.template ( $( "#detail-row-template" ).html () ),
    sortable : true,
    pageable : true,
    columns :
        /* Column definitions */

oDiv.kendoGrid ( oGridSettings );
like image 365
xxbbcc Avatar asked Dec 30 '13 19:12


1 Answers

According to the kendo documentation


The data source uses jQuery.ajax to make a HTTP request to the remote service. The value configured via transport.read is passed to jQuery.ajax. This means that you can set all options supported by jQuery.ajax via transport.read except the success and error callback functions which are used by the transport.

So you could add a complete callback function to the dataSource's transport.read function, like this:

transport :
    read :
        url : "http://url.com/...",
        dataType : "json",
        complete: function(data, status) {
            if (status === "success") {
                // your code that will be executed once the request is done
like image 66
EfrainReyes Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
