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How to detect swipe in flutter

I've tried using the swipe detector plugin for flutter to achieve navigating to a new screen on swipe right but it's not working, no errors are thrown and the breakpoint is never hit when I debug it. I looked into the GestureDector but I wasn't sure it would work for a swipe right scenario, we want it to navigate to a screen when anywhere on the screen is swiped right.

Here's my code using the plugin

 @override  Widget build(BuildContext context){ return new Scaffold(  appBar : LBAppBar().getAppBar(),   //drawer: new LBDrawer().getDrawer(),  body:  Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(     gradient: new LinearGradient(         colors: [Color.fromRGBO(1,89,99, 1.0), Colors.grey],         begin: Alignment.bottomLeft,         end: Alignment.topRight     ) ),  child:   SwipeDetector(      onSwipeRight: () {        Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new WidgetsPage())         ); },   child: Column(   mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,       children:[     Row(             children: [           Container(             margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0,top: 10.0, bottom: 10.0, right:30.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[                Text("Hi ${user.firstName}, Today is " + formatDate(), style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 19.0   )),             ],           ),                  ),                   ]             ),        Row(         //ROW 1         children: [           Container(             margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 30.0,top: 60.0, bottom: 30.0, right:30.0),             child: Column(       children: <Widget>[            GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.checkSquare,                  size: 50.0,                  color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                         Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new CheckIn()));                       }),                 Text("Check In", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal ))   ],  ),               ),               Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0,top: 60.0, bottom: 30.0, right:30.0),                 child: Column(       children: <Widget>[            GestureDetector(                   child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.list,                  size: 50.0,                   color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new DayAtAGlance()));                       }),             Text("My Day", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal )) ],  ),                ),             Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 30.0,top: 60.0, bottom: 30.0, right:30.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.phone,                  size: 45.0,                   color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new CommunicationLinks()));                       }),               Text("Communication", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal ))   ],  ),              ),              ]               ),          Row(//ROW 2           children: [         Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 32.0,top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.dollarSign,                  size: 50.0,                   color: Colors.white70,            ),               onTap: () {                    Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new Budget()));                       }),             Text("Budget", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal )) ],  ),                ),         Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 75.0, top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0, right: 30.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.trophy,                  size: 50.0,                   color:  Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     print("Pressed");                       }),             Text("Goals", style: new TextStyle( color:  Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal )) ], ),              ),          Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0, top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0, right: 20.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.calendar,                  size: 50.0,                   color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new CalendarsPage()));                       }),             Text("Calendar", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal ))   ], ),             )          ]),       Row(// ROW 3           children: [         Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 30.0, top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0, right: 30.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.comments,                  size: 50.0,                   color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     print("Pressed");                       }),             Text("Community", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal ))   ], ),              ),         Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0, top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0, right: 20.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.shoppingCart,                  size: 50.0,                  color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                      Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new ShoppingList()));                       }),             Text("Shopping", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal ))   ], ),                ),           Container(            margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0, top: 50.0, bottom: 30.0, right: 40.0),             child: Column(   children: <Widget>[        GestureDetector(                  child: Icon(                  FontAwesomeIcons.solidCheckSquare,                  size: 50.0,                   color: Colors.white70,          ),               onTap: () {                     Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) => new CheckOut()));                       }),             Text("Check Out", style: new TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold )) ], ),              ),       ]),     ],       ),    )    )      ); 
like image 374
Sam Cromer Avatar asked Mar 07 '19 18:03

Sam Cromer

People also ask

How do you detect swipe flutter?

How to Detect Swipe In Flutter? Using SwipeDetector is straightforward. Just wrap it around the widget you want to detect swipes on. To use the swipe detector class just copy and paste the file code.

How do you implement swipe to previous page in flutter?

So one of the possible solutions is to use this package: cupertino_back_gesture. Explanation from authors of package: To change width of area where the user can start back swipe for the whole app: Wrap your MaterialApp with BackGestureWidthTheme with desired backGestureWidth.

What is gesture detector in flutter?

Gesture Detector in Flutter is used to detect the user's gestures on the application. It is a non-visual widget. Inside the gesture detector, another widget is placed and the gesture detector will capture all these events (gestures) and execute the tasks accordingly.

2 Answers

Use GestureDetector.onPanUpdate:

GestureDetector(   onPanUpdate: (details) {     // Swiping in right direction.     if (details.delta.dx > 0) {}        // Swiping in left direction.     if (details.delta.dx < 0) {}   },   child: YourWidget(), ) 

To cover all the area (passing the parent constraints to the widget), you can include SizedBox.expand.

SizedBox.expand(   child: GestureDetector(     onPanUpdate: (details) {       // Swiping in right direction.       if (details.delta.dx > 0) {}        // Swiping in left direction.       if (details.delta.dx < 0) {}     },     child: YourWidget(),   ), ) 
like image 72
CopsOnRoad Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


Wrap your Widget in GestureDetector and use onHorizontalDragUpdate as,

GestureDetector(     onHorizontalDragUpdate: (details) {           // Note: Sensitivity is integer used when you don't want to mess up vertical drag         int sensitivity = 8;         if (details.delta.dx > sensitivity) {             // Right Swipe         } else if(details.delta.dx < -sensitivity){             //Left Swipe         }     } ); 

Or if you're looking for a vertical swipe, you can use this code:

GestureDetector(     onVerticalDragUpdate: (details) {         int sensitivity = 8;         if (details.delta.dy > sensitivity) {             // Down Swipe         } else if(details.delta.dy < -sensitivity){             // Up Swipe         }     } ) 
like image 27
Vimal Rai Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Vimal Rai