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How to detect moveCamera is finished on the Google map service?

I want to take a snapshot when moveCamera is finished.

I used both onCamerachange() and onMapLoaded() functions to Googlemap object,

But this callback handler's timing is not fit on my intention.

I want to move camera to what I want, and when loading map is finished, want to take a screnshot.

Who do you guys know about how can I do?

Thank you.



Actually, I want to implement tilesloaded() call back function that is supported on the google map API of the javascript. But, as a result, there is no function which is completely accomplished that function.

OnMapLoaded() callback function is just invoked once when the map is loaded first.

OnCameraChanged() or OnCancallableCallback is invoked before all the tiles are loaded.

So I implemented like below source code

mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 10), this);
public void onFinish() {
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    mMap = googleMap;// Add a marker in Sydney and move the camera

Now, when the camera is moved, onMapLoaded() is always invoked.

Thank you everybody.

like image 459
Hochan Lee Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 18:11

Hochan Lee

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1 Answers

You can implement this:

mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(16), 3000, new GoogleMap.CancelableCallback() {
            public void onFinish() {
                //Here you can take the snapshot or whatever you want

            public void onCancel() {


The most detailed form of this method, GoogleMap.animateCamera(cameraUpdate, duration, callback), offers three arguments:


The CameraUpdate describing where to move the camera. callback An object that implements GoogleMap.CancellableCallback. This generalized interface for handling tasks defines two methods onCancel() and onFinished(). For animation, the methods are called in the following circumstances:


Invoked if the animation goes to completion without interruption.


Invoked if the animation is interrupted by calling stopAnimation() or starting a new camera movement.

Alternatively, this can also occur if you call GoogleMap.stopAnimation().

Source: Google Maps Android API Guides

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Brandon Zamudio Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10

Brandon Zamudio