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how to detect location change


I have a controller that shows a page navigation menu. The menu has an array of items, and each item has a caption and a link. I also set a flag on each item that indicates whether the related page is currently shown:

module.controller('MenuContr', [
    /******/ '$scope', '$location',
    function ($scope,   $location) {
        $scope.items = [
            {text: 'page 0',
             href: '#/page-0',
             current: $location.path() === '/page-0'},
            {text: 'page 1',
             href: '#/page-1',
             current: $location.path() === '/page-1'}

in my template:

<ul class="menu" ng-controller="MenuContr" ng-cloak>
  <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-switch on="item.current">
    <span class="current" ng-switch-when="true">{{item.text}}</span>
    <a ng-switch-default ng-href="{{item.href}}">{{item.text}}</a>

I need to be able to update the menu when the location changes, how is it done? Is there an event that I can subscribe to?

EDIT: this controller is used in addition to the controllers that are defined in my routes, and the above template is placed above the element containing ng-view directive.

like image 760
akonsu Avatar asked Nov 17 '12 00:11


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1 Answers

to answer my own question, in my MenuContr:

        $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function () {
            var items = $scope.items;
            var path = $location.path();

            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                var item = items[i];
                var href = item['href'];
                item['current'] = !!href && href.substring(1) === path;
like image 130
akonsu Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
