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How to detect Click + [Shift, Ctrl, Alt] in reactjs click event?


I want to do some other things when user Click+[Ctrl], but it seems that I could not detect if user press Ctrl when clicking.

I copy the event object infos below.

bubbles    :    false cancelBubble    :    false cancelable    :    false currentTarget    :    react defaultPrevented    :    false eventPhase    :    2 isTrusted    :    false path    :    Array[1] returnValue    :    true srcElement    :    react target    :    react timeStamp    :    5690056.695 type    :    "react-click" 

I can see the ctrlKey attribute in the arguments[0]-Proxy Object. But this object is unaccessable('Uncaught illegal access'):

[[Target]] : SyntheticMouseEvent _dispatchInstances:ReactDOMComponent _dispatchListeners:(e) _targetInst:ReactDOMComponent altKey:false bubbles:true button:0 buttons:0 cancelable:true clientX:275 clientY:315 ctrlKey:false 
like image 950
Jack Hu Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 12:08

Jack Hu

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2 Answers

Your click handling function would have a format as such:

clickHandler: function (event, value) {     event.stopPropagation();     // In that case, event.ctrlKey does the trick.    if (event.ctrlKey) {         console.debug("Ctrl+click has just happened!");    } } 
like image 67
Christian Saboia Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Christian Saboia

you can use this code below in your render() method

document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {   if (e.ctrlKey) {     console.log('With ctrl, do something...');   } }); 
like image 41
Kaveh Karami Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Kaveh Karami