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How to detect change of pagination in Vuetify?

Is there any event to check data table pagination changing numbers in vuetify? How does event update:pagination of data table work?

like image 917
Akram Kalantari Avatar asked Apr 18 '18 07:04

Akram Kalantari

1 Answers

I usually load data from a backend server and I haven't had any problems implementing the update:pagination event like this:

<v-data-table ... @update:pagination="updatePagination" />

Then I create the method to be invoked when pagination gets updated:

methods: {
  updatePagination (pagination) {
    console.log('update:pagination', pagination)

Note that updatePagination method will be "automatically" invoked when the data-table component is mounted and, of course, after you click the pagination arrows.

like image 147
Felipe Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
