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How to destructure Kotlin objects in streams



In Scala, I can easily extract values from objects (e.g. tuple) using partial function:

    .foreach{case (x, y) => println(s"$x $y")}

How can I do that in Kotlin? It seems that destructors are supported only for assignments and for loops.

like image 841
Željko Trogrlić Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 22:03

Željko Trogrlić

1 Answers

At Kotlin 1.0 use an additional val declaration:

list.foreach{val (x, y) = it; println(s"$x $y")}

The team says they are already working on that feature (the syntax was reserved) and they hopefully will get it in Kotlin 1.1:

list.foreach{(x, y) -> println(s"$x $y")}
like image 178
voddan Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 12:03
