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How to deploy my application using Qt-Creator?

I'm trying to deploy my simple Qt project like a hello world.

I build it successfully and can also execute it on Qt-Creator. However, I can't execute the binary directly in the release folder due to some shared library errors.

So I just copy some essential librarys to the release folder such as qtcore.dll and qtgui.dll, but I can't still execute it.

How can I deploy my simple Qt project? Is there an another step to deploy it?

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Brian Avatar asked Dec 22 '09 15:12


2 Answers

You also need to deploy the MINGW runtime dll (mingwm10.dll). This file is located in your Qt\2009.5\mingw\bin directory.

Also pay attention to whether your application is compiled in debug mode or release mode. I just made the test with an hello world type application and Qt Creator. In the debug folders, I copied libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, mingwm10.dll, QtCored4.dll and QtGuid4.dll and it works.

Pay attention to the d in dll names, which stands for debug: QtCore d 4.dll.

See Qt 4.6: Deploying an Application in Windows. For Qt 5, check this page.

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Gregory Pakosz Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Gregory Pakosz

If you don't want to have dependencies with qt/mingw dlls you should compile qt statically as explain here: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/deployment-windows.html#static-linking.

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Patrice Bernassola Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Patrice Bernassola