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How to delete negative duplicates from an array?




How can I effectively delete negative duplicates of positive integers from an array of positive and negative integers like this: [1, 5, 10, 5, -5, -1, 9] as a result, I want to have: [1, 5, 10, 5, 9] (-1 and -5 removed as they are negative duplicates of 1 and 5)

like image 251
Evanto Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 12:12


2 Answers

This is the easiest method I could find :

  • select positive numbers
  • calculate their opposite number
  • remove them from the original array

array = [1, 5, 10, 5, -5, -1, 9]

p array - array.select{ |i| i > 0 }.map{ |i| -i }
# [1, 5, 10, 5, 9]

It uses Array#-, which should be reasonably fast.

like image 141
Eric Duminil Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 23:12

Eric Duminil

You can do this in O(n) with just two passes through the array by hashing the positive numbers then rejecting from the array negative values whose abs was hashed:

def reject_neg_dups(arr)
  positives = Hash[arr.map {|x| (x>0) ? [x,1] : nil }.compact]
  arr.reject { |x| (x < 0) && positives[-x] }

reject_neg_dups([-1, 1, 2, -2]) # => [1, 2]
reject_neg_dups([-1, 1, -2]) # => [1, -2] since 2 does not appear

Note interestingly that the Array- solutions are considerably faster than others listed so far:

require 'benchmark'

def reject_neg_dups_hash(arr)
  positives = Hash[arr.map {|x| (x>0) ? [x,1] : nil }.compact]
  arr.reject { |x| (x < 0) && positives[-x] }

def reject_neg_dups_include(arr)
  arr.reject { |x| (x < 0) && arr.include?(x.abs) }

def reject_neg_dups_arrayminus(arr)
  arr - arr.select { |i| i > 0 }.map { |i| -i }

def reject_neg_dups_arrayminusewo(arr)
  arr - arr.each_with_object([]) { |n,b| b << -n if n > 0 }

arr = Array.new(1000) { rand(-100..100) }
N = 1000
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
  x.report('Array-')    { N.times { reject_neg_dups_arrayminus(arr.dup) } }
  x.report('Array-ewo') { N.times { reject_neg_dups_arrayminusewo(arr.dup) } }
  x.report('hash')      { N.times { reject_neg_dups_hash(arr.dup) } }
  x.report('include?')  { N.times { reject_neg_dups_include(arr.dup) } }

Example output:

                      user     system      total        real
Array-            0.180000   0.000000   0.180000 (  0.187512)
Array-ewo         0.200000   0.000000   0.200000 (  0.194663)
hash              0.250000   0.010000   0.260000 (  0.253355)
include?          3.660000   0.000000   3.660000 (  3.666313)
like image 33
maerics Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 22:12
