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how to delete files in the remote repository?




I am not sure what is the exact term for this problem. Basically, I need to remove some files & directory on my remote repository

I have a local git repo & remote repo in github

  1. Had been working myself.
  2. A friend made a pull request.
  3. I merged his request (via github interface)
  4. I pulled the changes.
  5. I tested the code and decided not to take his changes (shouldn't have merged at the first place)
  6. I reverted back to a previous commit
  7. Made some changes
  8. Push to the server.

This is how my local repository looks like at the moment:

*   7e143b1  (HEAD)
| *   18cea0f  (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
| |\  
| | * fc19ccf 
* | | 6f3c58a 
|/ /  
* | 8d82486 
| * d3ce65f  (pre-install-activeadmin)
* 7d0566c 
* d1c77ab 
* 75ba704 
* 30dc67c  (heroku/master)
* f89b1f6 
* ea5e2db 
* 08931d6 
* 9773a6f 
* b636aba 
* cb6f8d4 

I can change my local repo to 7d0566c. I am not sure where the head on my remote repo is pointing to.

How do I remove those files that are on remote repo but are not on my local repo?

Obviously, I do not see any of his files in my local repo because I did a reset of my HEAD to a previous commit. However, the remote repo still shows his files. When I commit, it commits just fine.

Is my workflow wrong? I should have just tested the patch at the first place. Any suggestion? I am new to version control. Thank you

like image 917
dvliman Avatar asked Dec 16 '11 19:12


People also ask

How do I delete a file from GitHub repository?

Browse to the directory in your repository that you want to delete. In the top-right corner, click , then click Delete directory. Review the files you will delete. At the bottom of the page, type a short, meaningful commit message that describes the change you made to the file.

How do I remove files from git remote and keep local?

Execute the following command: git rm --cached path/to/file . Git will list the files it has deleted. The --cached flag should be used if you want to keep the local copy but remove it from the repository.

2 Answers

Pull the changes from the server, then do a git rm on your local repo, commit the changes, and push to the server. The files will be deleted.

like image 186
Ry- Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10


I'm assuming 18cea0f is where your pull request merge happened. In order to revert that merge, you can do:

git revert -m 1 18cea0f

You can read more here: http://progit.org/2010/03/02/undoing-merges.html

like image 29
htanata Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
