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How to delete database with AWS Database Deletion Protection

I have created database with Database Deletion Protection feature. When I am deleting I am getting this error

To be able to delete the database, modify the database and disable deletion protection.

I dont have idea which table I should modify exactly

like image 805
Yugandhar Chaudhari Avatar asked Sep 28 '19 14:09

Yugandhar Chaudhari

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What is deletion protection in RDS?

When a database instance or cluster is configured with deletion protection, the database cannot be deleted by any user. Deletion protection is available for Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server database instances in all AWS Regions.

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When you delete a DB instance, you can create a final DB snapshot upon deletion; if you do, you can use this DB snapshot to restore the deleted DB instance at a later date. Amazon RDS retains this final user-created DB snapshot along with all other manually created DB snapshots after the DB instance is deleted.

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There is currently no way to remove RDS from an Elastic Beanstalk configuration. You would need to create a new Elastic Beanstalk application configuration that excludes the RDS configuration, launch your app in this new environment, and then change DNS to point to the new environment.

1 Answers

It is a feature provided by AWS to prevent from dropping of RDS instance accidentally. You need to follow steps as follows of drop the RDS

  1. Select the RDS which you want to drop
  2. Click on Modify and uncheck the box "Deletion protection" available in last of the screen
  3. Click on Next and Apply Immediately.
  4. Click on Action and Delete the Databases
  5. You need to confirm about final backup before drop and keeping of retention of old backups and In the last Please Delete Me in Search Bar to initiate the Drop process of RDS
like image 121
Sudhir Shekhsaria Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Sudhir Shekhsaria