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How to delete a file in laravel 4

I'm using laravel 4 and I need to change an uploaded image, I have it in:


When editing the new's I want to make a change image form, but how could I delete and upload another file. I am using:

Input::file('img')->move('uploads/news', $id.'_news.jpg');

The problem it's that it doesn't work, it's not replacing the file, so how could I delete The image so I could upload again.

In laravel 3 I only used:


But I don't see anything about removing files in laravel docs.

like image 229
Chachoo Aguirre Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 23:06

Chachoo Aguirre

2 Answers

I think you should append public_path() to file names , to get real file path, like this

like image 121
Abbas Palash Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Abbas Palash

There is still the delete method in Laravel 4:

otherwise just use good old unlink()!?

like image 24
ChrisG Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10
