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How to delete a created element in JavaScript?




Hello I have a piece of code that allows me to add an author. I have a problem, I can't seem to delete the created node in my table This is the worst frustration in my life. I could not seem to delete it. I also have notice that every time I inspected the element I could not see the new created element from the source. But when I view it on firebug I can actually see it there.

Adding an input element and appending it on the table works fine for me.

I am just very new to JavaScript and to this web thingy and deleting a CREATED ELEMENT via .createElement is where I am stuck at.

here is my code

   var ctr = 1;

   function showTextBox() 
       // is the table row I wanted to add the element before
       var target  = document.getElementById('bef');

       var tblr = document.createElement('tr');
       var tbld1 = document.createElement('td');
       var tbld2 = document.createElement('td');

       var tblin = document.createElement('input');
       tblin.name = 'Author' + ctr;
       tblin.id = 'Author' + ctr;
       tblin.placeholder = 'add another author';

       tbld1.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Author' + ctr ) );

       tbld2.appendChild( tblin );
       tblr.appendChild( tbld1 );
       tblr.appendChild( tbld2 );

       target.parentNode.insertBefore( tblr , target );

   function hideTextBox() 
      var name    = 'Author'+ctr;
      var pTarget = document.getElementById('tbhold');
      var cTarget = document.getElementById( name ); 
      alert( cTarget ); // this one return null? Why? I have created id="Author1"
                        // viewing this code on source make the created elem to not appear

Am I doing something wrong? I really need help. This is for my project at school. Is there any way I could delete it. I created that node and I want it to be deleted when I click something.

Also I prefer to stay with JS not with JQuery or other JStuff and I am disregarding compatibility for now because this is just a sample in my dummy form. I will deal on that later.

EDIT In case you need the actual form here it is

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="process/" method="POST" />
    <h3>Book Upload</h3>

    <table border="2" id='tbhold'>
        <td><input type="text" id="book_title" name="book_title" /></td>

        <td><input type="text" id="book_author" name="book_author" /></td>

    <tr id="bef">
      <td colspan="2">
        <a href="javascript:showTextBox()">add author</a> 
        <a href="javascript:hideTextBox()">remove</a>

Thank you very much!

like image 251
Neon Warge Avatar asked May 23 '13 07:05

Neon Warge

2 Answers

Try this function:

function removeElements(elements){
    for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){

Then you can do this:

removeElements(document.querySelectorAll('#tbhold tr'));
like image 159
elclanrs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09


function hideTextBox(){
    var name = "Author" + (ctr - 1);
    var pTarget = document.getElementById('tbhold');
    var cTarget = document.getElementById(name);
    var tr = cTarget.parentNode.parentNode;

    ctr = ctr - 1;

Here is a demo

like image 38
Sudarshan Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
