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How to delay execution in between the following in my javascript

I want to delay execution in betwen the follwoing codes:

$("#myName").val("Tom"); ///delay by 3s $("#YourName").val("Jerry"); //delay by 3s  $("#hisName").val("Kids"); 
like image 602
learning Avatar asked May 13 '11 10:05


People also ask

How do you make a delay in JavaScript?

The standard way of creating a delay in JavaScript is to use its setTimeout method. For example: console. log("Hello"); setTimeout(() => { console.

How do you delay 1 second in JavaScript?

To delay a function execution in JavaScript by 1 second, wrap a promise execution inside a function and wrap the Promise's resolve() in a setTimeout() as shown below. setTimeout() accepts time in milliseconds, so setTimeout(fn, 1000) tells JavaScript to call fn after 1 second.

What is delay () in JavaScript?

Conclusion. setTimeout() is a method that will execute a piece of code after the timer has finished running. let timeoutID = setTimeout(function, delay in milliseconds, argument1, argument2,...); The delay is set in milliseconds and 1,000 milliseconds equals 1 second.

1 Answers

You can use setTimeout for that:

setTimeout(function() {     // Your code here }, delayInMilliseconds); 


$("#myName").val("Tom");  /// wait 3 seconds setTimeout(function() {     $("#YourName").val("Jerry");      /// wait 3 seconds     setTimeout(function() {         $("#hisName").val("Kids");     }, 3000); }, 3000); 

setTimeout schedules a function to be run (once) after an interval. The code calling it continues, and at some point in the future (after roughly the time you specify, though not precisely) the function is called by the browser.

So suppose you had a function called output that appended text to the page. The output of this:

foo(); function foo() {     var counter = 0;      output("A: " + counter);     ++counter;     setTimeout(function() {         output("B: " + counter);         ++counter;         setTimeout(function() {             output("C: " + counter);             ++counter;         }, 1000);     }, 1000);     output("D: " + counter);     ++counter; } 

...is (after a couple of seconds):

A: 0 D: 1 B: 2 C: 3

Note the second line of that. The rest of foo's code runs before either of the scheduled functions, and so we see the D line before the B line.

setTimeout returns a handle (which is a non-zero number) you could use to cancel the callback before it happens:

var handle = setTimeout(myFunction, 5000); // Do this before it runs, and it'll never run clearTimeout(handle); 

There's also the related setInterval / clearInterval which does the same thing, but repeatedly at the interval you specify (until you stop it).

like image 72
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

T.J. Crowder