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how to define not mandatory property in spring?




I'm using spring 3 with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurator.

My properties code looks like as following:

@Configuration public class MyProps {      @Value("${prop1}")     public String prop1;      ... } 

If I do not have a prop1 in my .properties file the spring fails to initialize it's context.

The question is how can I define that this property is not mandatory? some annotation, configuration?

like image 644
Julias Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 07:08


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1 Answers

You could use a default value:

@Value("${prop1:}") public String prop1; 

and spring will inject an empty string if the property isn't defined. The syntax is ${property:defaultValue}.

like image 191
tibtof Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
