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how to define my artifact groupId?



I have an sbt project that I need publish-local and then use it from an other project as a "libraryDependencies". It all builds fine but the groupId of the artifact is the same as the name of it. Can I specify the groupId somehow in my build.sbt?

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kostas.kougios Avatar asked Feb 03 '15 11:02


1 Answers

There is organization setting for this purpose. An example from AkkaBuild.scala

lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
    organization        := "com.typesafe.akka",
    version             := "2.4-SNAPSHOT",
    scalaVersion        := Dependencies.Versions.scalaVersion,
    crossScalaVersions  := Dependencies.Versions.crossScala
like image 50
eugen-fried Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11
