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How to define Module and use it in dojo with AMD?




I am maintaining and extending an old project which was pre-AMD. I wish to add an Chart to the application. for this, I have created a js file as follows:

    function (Chart) {

    function showDailyChart(data){
       //code to show the chart in a dialog
    return customModules.singleChart;

I have saved this file as /customModules/singleChart.js

In My main HTML Page, I have added it to the packages as follows:

var dojoConfig = { parseOnLoad: true,
        packages: [....,{"name":"customModules",
             "location":location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, "")+"/modules" }

The function from which I want to call it, is pre-AMD. So I am calling it as follows:


I can see that /customModules/singleChart.js is loaded in the Firebug console as well as Net Tab. However there is no customModules.singleChart object. Strangely enough there is no error either. I have tested this in Firebug, as well as Google Chrome's developer tools.

What is the correct way to call an AMD Module using dojo.require? Or is there a better way to do what I need?

like image 940
Devdatta Tengshe Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 05:06

Devdatta Tengshe

People also ask

What is AMD in dojo?

The Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format is the module format that Dojo adopted starting with Dojo 1.7. It provides many enhancements over the legacy Dojo module style, including fully asynchronous operation, true package portability, better dependency management, and improved debugging support.

What is CommonJS and AMD?

AMD and CommonJS are both Javascript module loader. They accomplish the same task but works different. AMD is better for browser, hence, the name 'Asynchronous', as it loads each distinct module in async manner instead of loading in one large file. No extra steps are required to use AMD, it works out-of-the-box.

What is Dojo declare?

dojo/_base/declare contains functions to define Dojo classes, which support standard Object Oriented concepts within Dojo. JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance, not class-based inheritance (which is used by most programming languages). Dojo provides the ability to simulate class-based inheritance using dojo.

1 Answers

To use your widget with pre-AMD code, you need to declare your module using dojo/_base/define, and have the first argument of your define function be the module ID in dot notation, like this :

define(["dojo/_base/declare","dojox/charting/Chart",...."dijit/Dialog","dojo/dom-construct"], function (declare, Chart){
    return declare("customModules.singleChart", null, {
        showDailyChart: function(data){
           //code to show the chart in a dialog

The second argument to the declare function is the class or list of classes you inherit from, or null in this case.

You can then use this widget by instantiating it with the "new" keyword.

var foo = new customModules.singleChart();

If instead you want a static function, you can do it like this :

define(["dojo/_base/declare","dojox/charting/Chart",...."dijit/Dialog","dojo/dom-construct"], function (declare, Chart){
    var widget = declare("customModules.singleChart", null, {

    widget.showDailyChart = function(data){
       //code to show the chart in a dialog

    return widget;

You can then use it like this :


More details here : http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_base/declare.html#signature

like image 72
Philippe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
