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How to define large list of strings in Visual Basic




I'm writing a macro in Visual Basic for PowerPoint 2010. I'd like to initialize a really big list of strings like:

big_ol_array = Array( _
"string1", _
"string2", _
"string3", _
"string4" , _
"string9999" _

...but I get the "Too many line continuations" error in the editor. When I try to just initialize the big array with no line breaks, the VB editor can't handle such a long line (1000+) characters.

Does anyone know a good way to initialize a huge list of strings in VB?

Thanks in advance!

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HotDogCannon Avatar asked May 26 '14 19:05


1 Answers

I don't think there's a way to do what you want. But there exist some workarounds.

For example, you could load your list of strings from a file. That example can show you a hint :

Dim value As String = File.ReadAllText("C:\file.txt")

Also, this page talks about it : Excel macros - Too many line continuations.

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Freelex Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 13:09
