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How to define custom attributes while appending a js file in Zend Framewok?

I am trying to implement content flow in my zf application. And while loading its attributes, it requires one extra attribute to be defined.

<script type="text/javascript" src=".." load="white"></script>

To interprete this using zf, i tried

$this -> headScript() -> appendFile("my/path/to/contentflow.js","text/javascript", array("load" => "white")); 

But its not working.

How to do this?

like image 549
mrN Avatar asked Nov 06 '11 11:11


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1 Answers

Zend Framework does not allow such random attributes. If you really have to use them, you have to enable them using

$this -> headScript() -> setAllowArbitraryAttributes(true);
like image 150
Starx Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10
