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How to define and iterate over map in Jenkinsfile

My knowledge of groovy doesn't go very far beyond what little I know about Jenkinsfiles. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to have a map defined in a Jenkinsfile that can then be applied in a "for loop" fashion.

I have these variables:

mymap = {
    "k1": "v1"
    "k2": "v2"
    "k3": "v3" 

I have a stage in my Jenkinsfile that looks like this:

stage('Build Image') {
    withCredentials([[<the credentials>]) {
    sh "make build KEY={k1,k2,k3} VALUE='{v1,v2,v3}'"

Is there a way to make a Build Image stage for each of the pairings in mymap? I haven't had any luck with what I've tried.

like image 363
numb3rs1x Avatar asked Mar 13 '17 18:03


People also ask

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Environment variables can be defined using NAME = VALUE syntax. To access the variable value you can use these three methods $env.NAME , $NAME or ${NAME} There are no differences between these methods.

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The Jenkinsfile is written using the Groovy Domain-Specific Language and can be generated using a text editor or the Jenkins instance configuration tab. The Declarative Pipelines is a relatively new feature that supports the concept of code pipeline. It enables the reading and writing of the pipeline code.

2 Answers

There are some similar user-submitted examples in the Jenkins documentation.

Something like this should work:

def data = [
  "k1": "v1",
  "k2": "v2",
  "k3": "v3",

// Create a compile job for each item in `data`
work = [:]
for (kv in mapToList(data)) {
  work[kv[0]] = createCompileJob(kv[0], kv[1])

// Execute each compile job in parallel
parallel work

def createCompileJob(k, v) {
  return {
    stage("Build image ${k}") { 
      // Allocate a node and workspace
      node {
        // withCredentials, etc.
        echo "sh make build KEY=${k} VALUE='${v}'"

// Required due to JENKINS-27421
List<List<?>> mapToList(Map map) {
  return map.collect { it ->
    [it.key, it.value]
like image 147
Christopher Orr Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09

Christopher Orr

You can iterate over a map like this:

def map = [Io: 1, Europa: 2, Ganymed: 3]
for (element in map) {
    echo "${element.key} ${element.value}"

I don't know if a dynamic count of stages is useful. Maybe you could use parallel nodes, but I don't know if that's possible.

like image 43
Christopher Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
