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How to define a reply-to address?

How can I define a reply-to address different than the :from one? Is that even possible?

like image 834
empz Avatar asked May 05 '11 17:05


People also ask

How do you set a reply to address?

Go to Gmail Settings, then Accounts, and click edit info next to the email address whose Reply-To you want to set: Then click the “Specify…” link. Enter in the address, and hit Save Changes.

What does reply to address mean in Outlook?

The reply-to address on an email indicates where responses to that email are sent. By default, the email replies go to the email address from which the email was sent.

1 Answers

Two ways:

class Notifications < ActionMailer::Base   default :from     => 'your_app@your_domain.com',           :reply_to => 'some_other_address@your_domain.com' end 


class Contacts < ActionMailer::Base   def new_contact     mail( :to       => 'somebody@some_domain.com',           :from     => 'your_app@your_domain.com',           :reply_to => 'someone_else@some_other_domain.com')   end end 

Or you can mix the two approaches. I'm sure there are even more ways to do this.

like image 64
dogenpunk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
