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How to define a new global function in javascript

I have an issue trying to make a function global when it is involved in closure. In the code listed below I have an anonymous method which defines at new function on the window called, getNameField.

(function () {
    function alertError (msg) {
    window.getNameField = function (fieldId) {
            if(!fieldId) {
            return document.getElementById(fieldId);
        } catch(e) {


This works great in the browser, but when I run the code in JSLint.com with "Disallow undefined variables" turned on it gives me an error.

Problem at line 17 character 7: 'getNameField' is not defined.

Can you help me fix this so that JSLint actually understands that this function should be considered global?

like image 794
Eric Avatar asked Oct 12 '10 12:10


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1 Answers

You could instead call it as window.getNameField:


Or you could define a variable outside the closure:

var getNameField;

        // Code here...

like image 98
Tim Down Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Tim Down