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How to define a custom AuthenticationEntryPoint without XML configuration

I've been struggling for a few days now. I'm kind of new in Spring Boot, and like the idea of not using XML configuration.

I created a RESTfull application (with JSON). I'm following this tutorial to configure authentication properly.

I think I managed to reproduce almost all of its configurations using Java configuration, except for one thing - AuthenticationEntryPoint

The tutorial uses a property in http tag like this and defines a formLogin in the following way:

<http entry-point-ref="restAuthenticationEntryPoint">    <intercept-url pattern="/api/admin/**" access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>    <form-login      authentication-success-handler-ref="mySuccessHandler"      authentication-failure-handler-ref="myFailureHandler"   />    <logout />  </http> 

The AuthenticationEntryPoint explanation in the Spring Security manual says:

AuthenticationEntryPoint can be set using the entry-point-ref attribute on the < http > element.

Doesn't mention anything about how to do it using Java Configuration.

So how can I "register" my own restAuthenticationEntryPoint without XML in order to prevent the redirection to a login form when using formLogin?

Below I will mention what I have tried.

Thank you all.

In my attempts, found you can define it using basicAuth like this:

@Configuration @Order(1)                                                         public static class RestWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {      @Override     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {           if (restAuthenticationEntryPoint == null) {             restAuthenticationEntryPoint = new RestAuthenticationEntryPoint();         }          http             .authorizeRequests()                 .antMatchers("/**").hasAnyRole(Sec.ADMIN,Sec.SUPER_USER) ...         .and()             .httpBasic()                 .authenticationEntryPoint(restAuthenticationEntryPoint) 

But I'm using a form login like this (without the httpBasic part):

        .and()             .formLogin()                 .successHandler(mySavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler)                 .failureHandler(simpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler) 

The problem is it redirects to a login form when it doesn't receive credentials. Since this is a REST service it shouldn't.

The documentation for FormLoginConfigurer (the class .formLogin() uses) says:

Shared Objects Created

The following shared objects are populated


But couldn't find a way to override it.
Any ideas?

Don't think it would be a good idea to override the login form to a custom one that only returns the error.

like image 701
elysch Avatar asked Jul 10 '14 19:07


1 Answers

The quote from the ref docs you provided is pointing you at http.exceptionHandling(). You can set up the shared entry point there.

like image 159
Dave Syer Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 00:09

Dave Syer