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How to decrypt `.signed` when the encrypted value is found in the http header instead of in a cookie?

I send an email address as signed cookie:

cookies.signed[:user_email] = { value: user.email, expires: 24.hours.from_now }

Later the frontend sends it back to me as an HTTP header:


How to then decrypt from the received header to the original email address? I tried the line below, but it produces the error:

NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `signed' for #String:0x00000008a57a78

email = request.headers["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"].signed unless (request.headers["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"] == nil)

With debugger I get a value for request.headers["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"] of "Im9yZ29utcGxlLmNvbSI=--37ddc725d139f86095ae839012c31a14e". So the encrypted value is there.

Difference value in cookie versus header: If the encrypted value would be found in a cookie, you could decrypt it using cookies.signed[:http_user_email]. My attempts of request.headers["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"].signed and request.headers.signed["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"] are basically the same as when with a cookie you would take the encrypted value of the cookie and add .signed at the end: "Im9yZ29utcGxlL".signed. And that wouldn't work either. But how then to do it if the encrypted value is found in a string?

Or would you argue there's no need to use an encrypted version of the user's email address for API authentication? Authentication is done based on the combination of the email address and a token (the token needs to match the digest which is an encrypted version of the token).

like image 996
Nick Avatar asked Jan 23 '16 19:01


People also ask

How do you decrypt cookies?

Decrypt the cookie and check the digest: Decrypt de key of the cookie: do Base64 decoding, then decrypt it using your institution's private RSA key. Decrypt the data using the decrypted AES key. Check the digest using secutix public certificate. The following example in java will show you how to proceed.

Do HTTP headers get encrypted?

Yes, headers are encrypted. It's written here. Everything in the HTTPS message is encrypted, including the headers, and the request/response load.

Are HTTP headers encrypted with https?

HTTPS encrypts all message contents, including the HTTP headers and the request/response data.

1 Answers

At config/initializers/secret_token.rb you should have the password:

Demo::Application.config.secret_key_base = 'b14e9b5b720f84fe02307ed16bc1a32ce6f089e10f7948422ccf3349d8ab586869c11958c70f46ab4cfd51f0d41043b7b249a74df7d53c7375d50f187750a0f5'

To decrypt:

content = request.headers["HTTP_USER_EMAIL"]
unescaped_content = URI.unescape(content)

crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(Rails.configuration.secret_key_base)
data =  crypt.decrypt_and_verify(unescaped_content)

In 4.0 based on default configuration. In 4.1 onwards you could have config/secrets.yml instead of secret_token.rb

like image 164
jlvaquero Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
