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How to decode base64 in python3


I have a base64 encrypt code, and I can't decode in python3.5

import base64 code = "YWRtaW46MjAyY2I5NjJhYzU5MDc1Yjk2NGIwNzE1MmQyMzRiNzA" # Unencrypt is 202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70 base64.b64decode(code) 


binascii.Error: Incorrect padding 

But same website(base64decode) can decode it,

Please anybody can tell me why, and how to use python3.5 decode it?


like image 610
Tspm1eca Avatar asked Jul 31 '16 11:07


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Encoding Strings with Python Python 3 provides a base64 module that allows us to easily encode and decode information. We first convert the string into a bytes-like object. Once converted, we can use the base64 module to encode it.

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2 Answers

Base64 needs a string with length multiple of 4. If the string is short, it is padded with 1 to 3 =.

import base64 code = "YWRtaW46MjAyY2I5NjJhYzU5MDc1Yjk2NGIwNzE1MmQyMzRiNzA=" base64.b64decode(code) # b'admin:202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70' 
like image 86
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10


According to this answer, you can just add the required padding.

code = "YWRtaW46MjAyY2I5NjJhYzU5MDc1Yjk2NGIwNzE1MmQyMzRiNzA" b64_string = code b64_string += "=" * ((4 - len(b64_string) % 4) % 4) base64.b64decode(b64_string) #'admin:202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70' 
like image 29
Saurav Gupta Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10

Saurav Gupta