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How to declare an Active Worksheet in a variable?

I'm trying to keep a variable to the currently open worksheet in VBA. So far I have

 Dim Active As Worksheet
 Set Active = ActiveWorksheet 

For some reason it gives me an error in the last line, saying Object required. My code opens a new worksheet with the data in the Active sheet, so I need a variable to hold my place in the currently active worksheet. Any idea why this isn't working correctly?

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unikitty94 Avatar asked May 26 '15 18:05


People also ask

How do you make a worksheet active?

By keyboard: First, press F6 to activate the sheet tabs. Next, use the left or right arrow keys to select the sheet you want, then you can use Ctrl+Space to select that sheet.

How do you declare a worksheet variable in VBA?

When we declare a variable, we need to assign a data type. We can also assign objects as data types. To assign a value to declared object variables, we need to use the word “SET.” The word “Set” refers to a new object in VBA. For example, the particular range of the particular worksheet.

How do you assign a worksheet name to a variable?

First, we have declared the variable as “Worksheet.” Next, we have set the reference to the variable as “Sales” using the worksheet object. Now, the variable “Ws” holds the reference of the worksheet “Sales.” Now, using the “Ws” variable, we have renamed the worksheet “Sales Sheet.”

2 Answers

You need to use ActiveSheet instead of ActiveWorksheet

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Sobigen Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10


I prefer not to use ActiveSheet in VBA because if further down the track you start writing code that uses multiple worksheets it can become confusing when trying to determine which is which. I prefer the following

dim ws as Worksheet

ws = Thisworkbook.Worksheets(1)


ws = Thisworkbook.Worksheets("worksheet name")

The only time I use Activesheet now is when I need some code to work on any worksheet regardless of what it contains, which is very rare. In this case as has been stated above use:

dim ws as Worksheet

ws = Thisworkbook.Activesheet


ws = Activesheet
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iShaymus Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10
