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How to debug cordova plugin and Logging with "android.util.log"

I'm developing a cordova app which make use of plugins.

One of this use the method Log.v from android.util.log.


1) where does the plugin flush this logs? And how I can check them?

2) it's possibile to print something to console at runtime from the "java side"?  

I can only debug the javascript part through "crome://inspect" on Google Chrome
via adb running the command "adb logcat CordovaApp:D *:S"

Important Note: I'm using netbeans 7.4 and I can't launch the run command from netbeans because it does not take into account the root config.xml file, causing a rewrite of my settings and also (don't know why), the process takes too much time to run because of undetected plugins (that peraphs are installed) and re-download them each time fetching from git.

Thank you

like image 701
user2548436 Avatar asked Dec 17 '14 21:12


Video Answer

1 Answers

You should be able to se native logs (Log.v, System.out) on logcat

You can print on the webview console doing this from the plugin

like image 186
jcesarmobile Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10
