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How to debug a yeoman application?

Coming from the background of developing web apps using server-side languages/platforms such as java, python/django and php, I am starting to learn Node.js and yeoman. I consider being able to debug server-side code essential in order to improve code quality. Node supports debugging via node-inspector and --debug option. But if an application is created out of yeoman using a generator, say AngularJS, and launched using grunt, is there an easy way to enable debugging?

Perhaps a higher level question I should first ask is: If yeoman promotes (as featured in tutorial) AngularJS, which is a client-side MVC framework, then majority of code will run from browser rather than from Node. Is that the reason why server-side debugging is not important any more to yeoman and therefore not documented?

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abbr Avatar asked Aug 13 '13 23:08


People also ask

How do you debug a yeoman generator?

Yeoman generators also provide a debug mode to log relevant lifecycle information. You can activate it by setting the DEBUG environment variable to the desired scope (the scope of the generator system is yeoman:generator ).

What is Yeoman tool?

Yeoman is an open source client-side scaffolding tool for web applications. Yeoman runs as a command-line interface written for Node.

3 Answers

Simple like that:

npm install -g node-inspector
node-debug yo GENERATOR_NAME

It's gonna open a Chrome DevTool with an initial breakpoint.

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Thiago C. S Ventura Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Thiago C. S Ventura

I am developing a yemoan angular-fullstack application. I debug the server side node js application code as follows;

  1. Install node-inspector.
  2. Modify the application 'Gruntfile.js' to set debug as 'true' for express server

express: { dev: { options: { script: 'server/app.js', debug: true } } }

  1. Start the application by running grunt serve.
  2. In a separate terminal run node-inspector.
  3. Open chrome and navigate to (If you see the grunt console, you would see the node debugger is on port 5858).
  4. Now you should be able to put breakpoints and debug in your server application code. You could place debugger statement in your code to force node to break at that point and wait for your inspection.

Note: node-inspector --no-preload loads the node inspector quicker.

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Jerome Anthony Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Jerome Anthony

  1. install node-inspector:

    $ npm install -g node-inspector

  2. start Node Inspector server:

    $ node-inspector

  3. run node.js with Yeoman-cli in debug mode:

    $ node --debug path\to\global\npm\node_modules\yo\cli.js MyGenerator

    where 'MyGenerator' is Yeoman generator name which you want to debug.
    On Windows "path\to\global\npm" is something like "C:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\npm".

  4. open Chrome or Opera and go to http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858

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Shrike Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
