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How to debug a popover?

On this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/mjmitche/qVdEy/6/, you can see that the alignment of the text inside the popover is perfect, however, when I put the exact same css/js/html on my site, the text is larger than the container!

enter image description here

I'm trying to figure out what is happening using firebug, but I have to move my cursor off the popover to use firebug, and then the firebug disappears. I can't figure out what settings in my code is changing the presentation. The popovers are created using Twitter Bootstrap.js (you can see the resources in the fiddle)

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Leahcim Avatar asked Dec 27 '11 02:12


2 Answers

Nobody really answered the question "How to debug a popover" ::: Simply set the popover to open on load >> $('#element').popover('show')

like image 172
John Montgomery Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 07:11

John Montgomery

What I do is kind of weird and only seems to work in Chrome, not Firebug. The steps are:

  1. Open the Chrome inspector in a new window
  2. Make sure part of the inspector is overtop of the button you're trying to activate (which is in the background window
  3. Activate the browser window and hover over the button (this activates the popup), now hit alt+tab (cmd+` on OSX) to switch to the inspector window.
  4. This will not trigger the mouseOut event and leave your popup attached to the DOM body node! Since you're already in the inspector you can navigate to it and see the css problem.
like image 41
Ryan953 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11
