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How to deal with database pagination when a row in between can be deleted by user action?

I am stuck in a situation. I hope I get a solution here. I am using paging to show some data on user profile page.

Using a basic paging to do so:

public Page list(Query query, int pageNo, int perPage) {

    int totalResults = query.list().size();

    int firstResult = (pageNo - 1) * perPage;
    List resultList = query.list();
    return new Page(resultList, perPage, pageNo, totalResults);

Page class constructor:

public Page(List resultList, int pageSize, int page, int totalResults)   {
    this.resultList = resultList;
    this.pageSize = pageSize;
    this.page = page;
    this.totalResults = totalResults;
    this.totalPages = (totalResults - 1) / pageSize + 1;

Now if the results where to displayed normally without any deletion in between this would work fine. But a user can remove items from his action list.

Lets have the situation. Say there were totalResults - 17, perPage - 6 and totalPages - 3.

Now in the first page he deletes 2 items which leaves to total of 15 results and the row id which was to be in 2nd page has shifted to 9 instead of 7 (as two items are no there and the total result is now 15).

I hope the situation is clear. Now this intermediate shifting is not required.

I was thinking of implementing it as remainingItems but again I am bit confused in that. Remaining item would always be dependent on the pageNo and perPage and independent of the totalResult (since total result gets decreased in between). I cannot use last n rows here also as the row count will again decrease shifting my desired result.

I also do not want to keep too many parameter in the method. For example - lets say I pass the toSatrtWith id in the parameter and fetch perPage number of rows from there I may get the desired thing. But I want a more elegant solution.

like image 674
Nihal Sharma Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 06:02

Nihal Sharma

People also ask

When exploring records sets what is the best approach for pagination?

The Good part To do pagination in SQL, we get the first page by requesting the first 10 records with LIMIT 10 . For the next page, we introduce OFFSET by scanning past the first 10 records with OFFSET 10 and then performing the same LIMIT 10 request as in the first query.

How does database pagination work?

Pagination is a strategy employed when querying any dataset that holds more than just a few hundred records. Thanks to pagination, we can split our large dataset into chunks ( or pages ) that we can gradually fetch and display to the user, thus reducing the load on the database.

What is limit offset pagination?

The limit option allows you to limit the number of rows returned from a query, while offset allows you to omit a specified number of rows before the beginning of the result set. Using both limit and offset skips both rows as well as limit the rows returned.

1 Answers

Short answer: Remember "where you left off" rather than computing the location.

Long answer: See my blog on why "Pagination via LIMIT and OFFSET is evil": http://mysql.rjweb.org/doc.php/pagination . (You are doing the PHP equivalent of using LIMIT and OFFSET, so the blog applies.)

The url for the [Next] would include the id of the last item on this page, then use WHERE id > $id when building the next page. (Or id of the first item off this page, then WHERE id >= $id. This slight difference has a minor effect when a row is inserted between the two.) Also have this in the SQL: ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10. It will fetch only 10 rows, regardless of which page. Without this trick, you are fetching all the rows for all the pages before the current one.

[Prev] page is similar, but with a flag saying to go backwards (ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10).

[First] is probably best done by not specifying id; then the code will say "Oh, I should build the first page."

[Last] could include a flag for Last or id=-1 or whatever -- then use something like ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 in the SQL.

Without this technique, a row that is deleted or inserted before the current page causes the list to be shifted off by one item (forward or backward), hence, the user misses (bad?) a row or gets a row duplicated (just annoying).

like image 105
Rick James Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Rick James