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How to customize FoxitReader shortcut keys

Recently, FoxitReader for Linux was officially introduced and I love it.


However, somehow FoxitReader does not support shortcut keys for any comment tools. This is quite inconvenience for me, especially when I have to use the trackpad of my laptop to select the tool first.

So I would like to ask if is there any way to configure the shortcut keys of FoxitReader?

I do not see this feature in the preference of FoxitReader, so looking into the configuration files of FoxitReader in Linux could be a possible solution. But I am don't know how to do it.

Thanks for taking time reading my post!

like image 742
Trung Ta Avatar asked Oct 23 '15 10:10

Trung Ta

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1 Answers

Not sure for linux but in window u can do this Right click on toolbar at top

select customise quick access toolbar

then follow this

enter image description here

enter image description here


Foxit version 2.4.1

By default, they provide for highlight light text using Ctrl+h (Linux)

enter image description here

like image 166
Adiii Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
