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How to customize asp.net MVC validation message position

i am doing MVC model validation through data annotation and my validation message is showing just at right side of input but i want to show it at the below of input box like the screen shot. enter image description here

so just tell me what i need to do without touching html. thanks

like image 225
Mou Avatar asked Oct 19 '13 17:10


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How can show validation message in ASP.NET MVC?

Click on "Add". The Html. ValidationMessage() is an extension method, that is a loosely typed method. It displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.

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In order for the Validator 's error message to display in the ValidationSummary , you need to set the Validator s Display="none" . I also set Text="" . C.C. C.C.

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You can provide a custom error message either in the data annotation attribute or in the ValidationMessageFor() method.

1 Answers

You can alter field-validation-error and validation-summary-errors classes in CSS to make them reside on a new line. One way is to make them block elements by using display:block style. Here is a sample CSS:

.field-validation-error {
    display: block;
like image 172
Sedat Kapanoglu Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 01:12

Sedat Kapanoglu