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How to customize and change ready-made CSS libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap, and what other alternatives exist? [closed]

I recently learned about Twitter Bootstrap CSS, and wonder what other pre-fabricated stylesheets are also available that would facilitate rapid development.

Once I settle on a CSS library, how would I customize and make changes to it?

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ime.devdesks Avatar asked Jan 02 '12 11:01


2 Answers

Have a look at Skeleton and HTML Kickstart.

Skeleton is pretty barebone. Twitter itself is using it for their Hogan.js website.

Kickstart has more stuff in it (icons, widgets etc.) but no fluid layout.

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Bijan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


You can use this for form elements https://github.com/derrickpelletier/Bootstrap-PHP-Helper for twitter bootstrap

this is twitter's bootstrap css file https://raw.github.com/twitter/bootstrap/master/bootstrap.css

Twitter Bootstrap style for CakePHP instantly http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/mxkocak/2011/11/16/twitter_bootstrap_style_for_cakephp_instantly

IMO Another good alternative of twitter Bootstrap are

Foundation - http://foundation.zurb.com/ Easy Front-end-Framework http://easyframework.com/

Have a look at documentation of all Framework and decide which one would be fit in your developing style

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Jitendra Vyas Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Jitendra Vyas